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Article du Guardian : "The peak oil brigade is leading us into bad policymaking on energy"

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Article du Guardian : "The peak oil brigade is leading us into bad policymaking on energy" Empty Article du Guardian : "The peak oil brigade is leading us into bad policymaking on energy"

Message  yvesT75 Mer 19 Oct - 9:21

Extrait :

The Earth's crust is riddled with fossil fuels. The issue is not whether there is a shortage of the stuff, but the costs of getting it out. Until recently, the sheer abundance of low-cost conventional oil in places like the Middle East has limited the incentives to find more, and in particular to go after unconventional sources. But technical change has been driven by necessity – and the revolution in shale gas (and now shale oil, too) has already been transformational in the US, one of the world's biggest energy markets.

On se demande pourquoi le Guardian publie ce genre de truc, par contre les commentaires dans l'ensemble plutôt "rassurant" (enfin disons reflétant conscience du problème)


Messages : 555
Date d'inscription : 09/10/2010

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Article du Guardian : "The peak oil brigade is leading us into bad policymaking on energy" Empty Re: Article du Guardian : "The peak oil brigade is leading us into bad policymaking on energy"

Message  the_oliver_2000 Mer 19 Oct - 9:58

yvesT75 a écrit:

Extrait :

The Earth's crust is riddled with fossil fuels. The issue is not whether there is a shortage of the stuff, but the costs of getting it out. Until recently, the sheer abundance of low-cost conventional oil in places like the Middle East has limited the incentives to find more, and in particular to go after unconventional sources. But technical change has been driven by necessity – and the revolution in shale gas (and now shale oil, too) has already been transformational in the US, one of the world's biggest energy markets.

On se demande pourquoi le Guardian publie ce genre de truc, par contre les commentaires dans l'ensemble plutôt "rassurant" (enfin disons reflétant conscience du problème)
Pas sûr qu'il y ait une raison, un plan bien défini. Tout le monde navigue un peu à vue en ce moment, alors ma foi selon l'humeur, la météo ou la digestion on balance sa petite analyse du moment, tantôt optimiste, tantôt pessimiste.
Et c'est vraiment le plus inquiétant à mon sens, les sociétés sont devenues des bateaux ivres qui vont là ou le vent les poussent.


Messages : 297
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2010

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