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Emission BBC sur le pic et commentaire dans le Telegraph

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Emission BBC sur le pic et commentaire dans le Telegraph Empty Emission BBC sur le pic et commentaire dans le Telegraph

Message  yvesTr75 Ven 11 Juin - 8:09

Pas vu l'émission (dommage que iplayer ne soit dispo qu'en GB), mais un article dans le Telegraph (plus ou moins équivalent du Figaro) assez édifiant sur les réactions que ça provoque :

Yesterday on the BBC’s flagship news analysis programme Newsnight Britain’s gravest, most distinguished and hard-hitting political interviewer Jeremy Paxman asked the vital questions an eager world most wants to hear: Cthulu – Are we worshipping him enough? Will it be necessary to sacrifice our children to appease him? Or will he be content if we just all erect a shrine to him, perhaps involving candles and teddy bears and Jo Malone scented oils?

No, it wasn’t really Cthulu that Britain’s gravest, most distinguished and hard-hitting political interviewer was addressing but something just as warped and obsessive – and undoubtedly a lot more dangerous: the cult of Peak Oil.

Peak Oil is a scare story talked up by greenie catastrophists on every possible occasion to justify higher taxation, greater government intervention, global rule by people like the Hon Sir Jonathon Porritt and Al Gore and massive bonanzas for anyone involved in the wind farming or solar power industry.

Somehow, Newsnight had managed to twist the arm of Jeremy Leggett – who runs Britain’s largest solar power company – to come on the programme and crossly, passionately declare that Peak Oil represents a real threat. (Wot? Even bigger a threat than the one we’d suffer if we all relied for our energy on solar power in a country like Britain not known for its sun? Pull the other one, Jezza!)

Fil à ce sujet sur powerswitch :


Messages : 141
Date d'inscription : 24/04/2010

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Emission BBC sur le pic et commentaire dans le Telegraph Empty Re: Emission BBC sur le pic et commentaire dans le Telegraph

Message  nemo111 Ven 11 Juin - 9:39

Laughing C'est beau le déni à ce point...


Messages : 680
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2010

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